2015. 12. 6 (sunday)
moonshine, seoul
with e hosuk, song eunji
7:30am / pine / further / sea / straw / hyll / built
2015. 11. 22 (sunday)
may 11pm, busan (neighborhood mini concert season 2)
with hong gap, kim mokin
wile / cutter / shelled / flair / sea / straw / hyll / built
2015. 11. 21 (saturday)
in&bean coffee&roasters, busan (neighborhood mini concert season 2)
with hong gap, kim mokin, say sue me
tutelar / pine / sea / finite / straw / hyll / built
2015. 11. 11 (wednesday)
kuchucamp, seoul
with kim mokin, itoh shohei
tygh / tutelar / sea / pine / straw / hyll / built
2015. 10. 24 (saturday)
9th folkonaire, seoul (dotolim)
with lizabett russo, kawate naoto
drem / wile / cutter / summed / winding / straw / hyll
2015. 10. 20 (tuesday)
amenohi coffee, seoul
with lizabett russo
tygh / pine / flair / younger / sea / straw / built + sea
2015. 10. 9 (sunday)
zandari festival, seoul
17:00 (5:00 pm), west bridge rooftop
tygh / pervert / pine / sea / straw / hearted / flair / tutelar / further / finite / hyll / built
2015. 8. 30 (sunday)
cafe and bar com, shimonoseki
with 藤本大
tygh / rosewood / further / straw / tutelar / pine / flair / hyll / built + sea
2015. 8. 29 (saturday)
navaro, kumamoto
4th year anniversay
hyll / younger / rosewood / further / sea / tutelar / pine / tygh
2015. 8. 25 (tuesday)
alikwa, fukuoka
with kazuko anami, midorita rokunotake
hyll / younger / pine / rosewood / shelled / finite / sea / straw / tygh + from the morning(by nick drake)
2015. 8. 1 (sunday)
homemade concert, seoul
with kim mokin
pyne / pervert / sea / rosewood / straw / further / younger / hyll / built
2015. 7. 6 (monday)
fish garden, seoul
tygh / pine / pervert / flair / sea / finite / hyll / built
2015. 6. 20 (saturday)
sejong art market so so, seoul
with kim mokin
tygh / pine / tutelar / flair / sea / finite / hyll / built
2015. 4. 29 (wednesday)
cafe & bar gigi, fukuoka
tygh / flair / younger / tutelar / pine / finite / further / sea + hyll / built
with 白石あすか, 井上周一, アナミカズコ
2015. 4. 26 (sunday)
glastonbury, incheon
tygh / finite / sea / flair / further / straw / hyll / built
with big baby driver, rima kato
2015. 4. 25 (saturday)
8th folkonaire, seoul (studio zemi)
wile / cutter / sea / straw / hyll / built
with rima kato, lee hosuk
2015. 3. 31 (tuesday)
sound crue, sapporo
finite / cutter / wile / further / hearted / hyll / built
with 冨山圭祐, Force of celluloid, 平川いずみ, 仄木大介, hasymonew, 市村猛
2015. 3. 30 (monday)
sound crue, sapporo
shelled / tutelar / younger / flair / pine / sea / tight
with エマローズ, 渋谷瞬, ヨシグチヒロユキ(shanghai), pappa, 床の目, 木箱